Top 3 ways to cut costs for your limo business in A Long Run
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May 24, 2019

Top 3 Ways to Cut Costs for Your Limo Business

by admin

The limo business is expensive to start, also maintaining and ensuring fleets requires good capital. If you are one of the savvy business owners and looking for ways to cut costs while maintaining the same high levels of service to your clients as before. Here are three tips to boost your business along with keeping your customers satisfied. It's a win/win for both the owner and the customers.

Top Most essential ways to Cut Costs for Limo Business

Reduce Your Fleet Size

Having every limo in your fleet is no guarantee of profit. The underperforming limo might possibly increase the expenses but by cutting a few underperforming vehicles you can save up to $5,000 a year. By this, you can recoup additional costs in the business, just think of all the costs you can cut from just selling one vehicle“ maintenance costs, repair costs, permits, and insurance, just to name a few.

Keep Your Fleet Maintained

Regular maintenance services can save you thousands of dollars a month, make a checklist and strictly follow it. For example, Change regular oil to make sure that your limo engines are running smoothly and fuel costs stay low. These steps can include: changing the air flow sensors, checking the spark plugs, changing the air filters, regular oil changes, keeping the tire pressure maintained at optimum levels, and requiring your drivers to drive no faster than the speed limit.

Enroll with Limo Software

This might seem counterproductive at first, but investing in limo booking software can decrease office costs by up to 5000$ a year. Limo business software can Cut down on the cost of administrative assistants like booking reservations online all the time. Consider the Booking Tool, a low-cost monthly software option that works for limo companies of all sizes. You can offer online reservations, payment processing, and more to your clients to keep them in the loop and keep your office staff free to do other tasks.


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